03 August 2004

turkey in a nutshell

i have so many things i could write about, i don't know where to start. things to write about: the experience of buying a carpet at a 500-year-old covered bazaar; taking a giant ferry boat across the marmara; speaking oodles and oodles of turkish and being understood, somewhat; being fed with 5 kilograms of turkish rice pudding (i kid you not) and gaining a ridiculous amount for a one-week trip; the experience of driving up to bogaz (bosphorus) on the european side, past ortak�y (middle village) all the way up to the black sea (almost) and eating at the most delicious fish restaurant, seeing a part of istanbul i didn't know existed; the experience of taking a ferry across the bosphorus and going to the asian side of istanbul, seeing an aunt, and taking a dolmus bus back to the ferry port; the experience of walking through a plant-and-animal market that sold little ducklings and puppies and kittens and all sorts of birds, even turtles....

so much to write about. it was an amazing trip. i'm quite exhausted now, and need to pack up several suitcases for my love to take back to california tomorrow. crazy, how time is flying. later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 11:32 am

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