16 September 2004


well, i printed out my dissertation.

WHAT, you say, WHAT did you do?

i printed out my dissertation. ok, fine. not really. but sort of. a motivation technique.

it is all about seeing the progress on paper. i printed out what i have. made the title page ("in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy"). made a table of contents. and printed all of that out. and then i counted out 180 pages of blank paper (since that is about the lenght i want it to be), minus what i had printed out, and shoved that into a binder.

now i have something the thickness of my dissertation. with a cover page (title, name, all official like). the pages have the right margins. and it looks thick, but not too thick. and i feel motivated!

dandlioneyes at 10:47 pm

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