26 September 2004


i am still, officially, exhausted from the party, and have also decided that throwing a party is harder and more exhausting than going to one. we were up at 6 am yesterday prepping. and people came at 3 and some stayed until 10 pm. a LONG, LONG day. but it was fun. i found myself feeling a bit torn - wanting to talk to eeveryone, and not quite being able to. i'm sort of glad the whole shebang is over. today we vegged, and stayed in a bed most of the morning, sleeping and dozing and not wanting to get up. later on we explored the village of los altos, which has a cute little downtown. most of all, i'm just glad that the place is clean and that it is quiet again...
oh, and we have WAY too much leftover food. anyone want any?

dandlioneyes at 6:30 pm

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