28 September 2004

in which i exhibit a little bit of schizophrenia

so i wake up at midnight (i went to bed at 10, quite early) and felt nauseous. and this morning i wake up with a splitting headache. NOT fun. after a good day yesterday, i'm not sure about how to get into the swing of things....
plus, we've gone from sunny and warm days to overcast, cold, and moist-chilly. i'm wearing a sweater and a scarf, and am craving a hot-water-bottle. bleh.
i'm in a funk today. not sure why, but just am. sometimes i really do think i get up on the wrong side of the bed (though there physically is only one side). i guess today is one of those days.
i also am getting increasingly anxious as time ticks by about *howintheworld* i am going to *startandwritethedissertation* and *findajobafterwardsbecauseifeelohsounhirable*. ack. no, scratch that. i need a better attitude. people like phds. we can realize long-term projects and work independently and have excellent writing and researching skills. boo-yeah, we're awesome!

dandlioneyes at 10:35 am

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