12 October 2004

sell out, part II

guess who is a nervous wreck? that's right, ME!!!
guess why?
i have no idea. going to a consulting group info session on berkeley's campus today: my sweetie expects they will try and woo all the disgruntled phds and tell them how great they are. ok, sure, fine. but it makes my stomach churn. business casual? what the hell do i have in my closet that fits that? not a whole lot. i have business - for the humboldt year - and the casual, for everyday normal life. but ne'er the twain shall meet, or something like that.
ack ack ack ack ack. i'm sure i'll hate the business world - it scares me, it seems bizarre. they make you work 80 hours a week. i can't do that. but i don't know if i can do academia, so this is my attempt at "seeing what my options are". if they boost my ego, hell, i'll go to my salt lake city conference tomorrow with a buoyant ego. criticism on my paper? who cares! i've got an ego! no, i didn't get it from you academic folks, nosirree bob! i got it from the evil empire (thanks, saucy99, for the reference there!)
anywho, the whole thing is making my stomach churn. as is, surprisingly, giving my paper in utah, though i've done it time and time again. ...
signing off. must look for business casual and then iron my little ass off.

dandlioneyes at 8:48 am

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