27 October 2004


[previous entry today]
i didn't head to berkeley because a friend of mine got sick. so much for the dissertation support meeting. that's alright, though, i had a quiet day. i made yogurt (still making itself, rather - i hope it works out this time around), i worked, and i thought it was ridiculously cold in the apartment while it was nice and warm outside. blah.
other than that, i'm just plain scared about the election. the outcome is so damn important, and i can feel my blood pressure rise whenever i read the news. i just hope that noone pulls any ugly strings and goofs things up.... on that note, everyone please vote! i'm sure my readers are all voters, but in the off chance that anyone has thought of not viting, PLEASE PLEASE DO SO! i'm not going to get on the soapbox and tell you about your civic duty, but it is extremeley necessary for you to get out there and vote.
thank you. that's all for right now. blood pressure rising, must remain positive!

dandlioneyes at 3:56 pm

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