21 November 2004

no sleep for the wicked

glance at the time. please. 2:50 am. this.is.frickin.insane.

first night of real insomnia in a while, and i'm frustrated. i tossed and turned for a while (had dozzed off, but am a light sleeper, and little things get to me). now i'm up, eating some bread, reading articles on the new york times page to pass the time. it doesn't help that every 3 minutes i've gotten up to pee. not fun. at all.

and isn't this typical? i mean, when i can't sleep in i get insomnia. we have a brunch appointment at 10 in the morning. but when i can sleep in and get a lot of rest, then i sleep like a log but force myself to get up at a decent time. i'm dreading the alarm clock ringing in five hours...

back to the nytimes...

dandlioneyes at 2:50 am

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