25 November 2004

gobble gobble gobble

i've been eating like a maniac the past few weeks, and today will just mark the climax of that binge. i've been hungry (and anxious, and anxiety always brings out the eating in me). i swear, post-thanksgiving (okay, fine, post x-mas) i'll go on a diet. *bleh* it's that, or buy a new wardrobe, and the former is both easier and more economically. but anxiety really brings out the food-monster in me.

a grey day for thanksgiving today, overcast, crisp. i tend to get control-freaky with this holiday, wanting things to be perfect, but i'm not the one making dinner today. which also makes it significantly easier. my contribution: yams with a pecan-orange toping. which is nice and easy to make.

i could so curl up into a little ball and sleep. and that's before the turkey-induced coma!

later gaters, happy thanksgiving!

dandlioneyes at 11:18 am

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