07 January 2005

i swear it is the music.

[go back, previous short little entry]

it is AMAZING what playing the pirates of the caribbean cd really loudly can do for morale. drink up, me hearties, yo ho! am in a MUCH better mood. it is blustery and stormy outside, but me and the black pearl are just fine inside out little cottage, indeed. i still have to brave my way outside for the laundry, but never fear, no worries, i'll brave the storm! seriously, though, there are gusts of wind that amaze me today.

and (drumroll!!) i have high hopes for a chapter. it took some reorganization. i'm much happier with it now. i'll just thank johnny and orlando and co. for that. i swear, it is the music!

(woops, cd just ended. i'll just have to do the overkill thing and listen to it... again. if the music is making me so productive, i wonder what would happen if i watched the film? but that might just end up being too much. over the top. really now.)

dandlioneyes at 2:09 pm

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