26 January 2005

more fun? i think not.

it has been decidedly too long since i have written, but there has been nothing going on worth saying. yes, orange hair. still have it. i feel kind of irish, kind of "o'dandelioneyes"-ish. or "dandlioneyes o'lastname"-ish, something like that. but i'm getting used to it, and i'm not going to spend more money to do it again right now. because that sort of stuff is bad for your hair. don't try this at home and all that jazz.

apparently, redheads do not have more fun, because i haven't had any more fun recently than usual. in fact, it has been "the usual" - dry cleaning, shopping, etc. our neighbors have moved out (those that live in "the big house", la casa grande), and i'm wondering who will move in. my hope: that they don't decide to make use of our shared yard. which the previous neighbors didn't use. which we have used basically exclusively. which we SEE from our window. you see, if they used it, it would feel like an invasion of privacy....

enough said. i'm ready for april and moscow. now please. thank you.

dandlioneyes at 5:27 pm

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