31 January 2005

a five-bullet entry

shall we write in bulleted lists today? yes, yes, i think we shall. it apparently has been days since i last wrote. what is going on in my life, you ask? well, hence the list. that follows.

1. i am sick and tired of being the person everyone else wants me to be. seriously. i'm myself (granted, sometimes i don't know who that is), but darn it, i'm not a barbie doll. i'm not the next jacques derrida. i'm something in between. i know that i put a lot of pressure on myself, as well, to be what i think people want me to be, but take a step back and enjoy me as who i am, alright? you might like who you find!

2. i don't know how i feel about being 27 and staying in a youth hostel. i've never done it, never did it as a youth, and now that i'm out of the 10-17 year old category (more on that later), i'm staying in a youth hostel. at LEAST i will have a private room with shower. thank god for the small things in life. why am i staying at a youth hostel, you ask? and where? in my old "home" town goettingen, in germany, in april. when i get to visit. woohoo!

3. on the topic of youth - "youths". i was at a coffee joint today, drinking a cup of coffee, when maybe 15 junior high kids walked in. a) how can they afford a 5$ coffee? b) how can they be drinking coffee at the age of 12? it stunts your growth, silly! (well....) c) uhm, what is so funny about everything? must you all laugh boisterously? must you all grope and grab each other in public? we aren't interested. i didn't get teenagers when i was one, i certainly don't get them now.

4. i have a haircut again. after 3 months. thank god. i'm relatively happy with it, woo. but my hairdresser was weird. she had cool hair (jet black with pink swatches in it), but, uh, had the desire to talk about TV programs that features convicted serial killers. yeeees, that's the relaxing conversation i want to have when i have someone with a pair of scissors chopping off my hair....

5. i have an "interview" tomorrow at an organization i hope to volunteer at. i'm pretty excited. today i just pulled myself together, and contacted a bunch of different organizations saying "howdy, i have time, put me to work". we'll see what happens.

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 7:28 pm

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