23 February 2005


i feel alive!

why, you asked? because after weeks and weeks of abstention (caffeine, mes amis, caffeine, not what you might be thinking - mind out of the gutter or out of the bottle!), i had a tall java chip frappucino courtesy of my local coffee conglomerate world super power. and i am high. clearly. high. bouncing off the walls sort of high. that thing must have enough calories to feed a battalion of soldiers, and i just drank one, and am skipping lunch and will instead pretend i am trinity from the matrix and bounce, i mean, uhm, walk on the walls.

this is bliss. i swear it is.

tomorrow i will suffer serious withdrawal symptoms. i'll get the shakes. i'll probably speak in tongues. but damn it, this is worth it. hello caffeine, mama loves you!

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 12:47 pm

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