03 May 2005

nearing a decision

i realize that as a decision as to where we are going to be moving to creeps nearer, which it is, and as we are feeling more comfortable with the decision, which we are, i am getting more and more anxious. a decision, you see, means that elusive geographic scope that i knew existed someplace, and now is here. it mean: pulling myself together and finding a job in said new metropolitan area. which is, quite frankly, terrifying, since i am no where closer to having a decision. i am no where closer to knowing what i want to do with my career. so the stomach aches have been getting worse and worse (literally as well as figuratively), i am anxious, i have been sleeping poorly. on the other hand, it is nice that a decision is almost here, that we almost are certain of where we will be moving to, barring communication from any of three slow-pokey universities that are dragging their feet.

so, high anxiety, and then a friend just sent me a hefty chapter of her's to comment on -- and i know myself, i will be comparing myself to it. she's so good and smart, and it'll raise several if not all of my own insecurities.... oh lordy, this isn't going to be fun!

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 10:28 am

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