18 May 2005

penne pasta and carrots

a psychologist buddy of mine gave me the following advice early this week for the dissertation madness: set a weekly goal. check in with someone weekly about that goal. you need both a carrot and a stick (good ass kicking) -- and so a stick i have found. a friend of mine from germany is also dissertating, and we've set a goal of 7-10 pages a week (for a start), and we check in every tuesday and have to report back. i guess it would be a long-distance ass-kicking, but i get the point: you owe someone something on a regular basis, and have to report to them....

hopefully this works.

am going to swim this evening. it has been months since i was in a pool -- i can't remember the last time. ocean, sure, that was just last week. but a pool? wish me luck! i'll be the one struggling in the slow lane (and i used to be such a strong swimmer -- alas, i have spaghetti arms now and no upper arm strength to speak of, so i don't see the breast stroke propelling me very far!)

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 9:32 am

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