06 June 2005


back in the bay area after 4 exhausting days of conference type things in providence, rhode island. pronounced, incidentally, rho'dyelnd in a broad brogue of an accent.

i became a spontaneous translator for a turkish-german filmmaker. and let me just say: no career in translating for me, nosireeebob! i mean, as fun as that was, i would start translating his german into german -- instead of english, basically repeating what he had just said. but the audience laughed and i liked the attention.

much wine was drunk and little sleep was had. providence is nice -- they have a monthly art exhibit called waterfire on the river, little cauldrons of fire and flame that light up at night. with street performers and jugglers and food stands and beer allowed on the street.

now i'm back, and i'm anxious about readjusting back to work life. made one very good professional connection, which i am excited about.

dandlioneyes at 10:01 am

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