07 February 2006


a quiet day. i have to take the cat to the vet -- ah joy of joys -- he'll never forgive me. until i feed him wet food. his behaviour has left something to be desired - he's up at 3 am and at 5 am, predictably, very cuddly, wanting food, wanting attention... i could set my clock by his stomach!

other than that, yesterday was hard -- a friend of mine who just had a still birth (full term) a month ago came and visited, and we talked a lot about her loss. reason: umbilical cord. it was heartwrenching. i saw pictures of her son, who would have been such a beautiful little boy. but the whole thing just has left me feeling numb and scared and all around miserable. i can't imagine the grief she is going through.

other than that, i'm good... have been tired... but good.

dandlioneyes at 8:59 am

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