15 November 2003

73 things about me

73 things about me, in no particular order...

i live in germany this year

i am trying to get my ph.d

it is going slowly because i love to procrastinate

the web is my biggest time-sap, as is writing in this diary

as is reading. right now i�m obsessing a bit about walther moers� books and books on tape

i�ve also obsessed in the past about haruki murakami. he amazes me as an author

and rafik schami here in germany

so those authors i like. i also sometimes obsess about movies

as a teenager i watched far and away 6 times with a friend because i had a tom cruise thing

earlier, i had a disney thing: little mermaid was watched and watched until i knew the text forwards and backwards

this year pirates of the caribbean has pulled a number on me

i am getting the dvd for xmas from my husband

i am married to the most wonderful man in the world

we have been together for 6 years

4 years of which we have commuted

he commutes more than me

i moved to california for him

i can�t wait for this year to be over because it means an end to all of this separation mess

i am a messy person at heart, but try and contain it with occasional binge-cleanings

i don�t binge on food, but i love to eat

i have a favorite cheese-stand here in germany at the market. the owner provides me with cheese. that makes my life good

i also have developed a tea thing recently. i drink a lot of it

which means i also go to the bathroom a lot. i get up at least once a night to go to the bathroom

as a kid i always cleaned the bathroom. that was my chore

now, the entire house is my chore when my love isn�t here. when he is here, he cleans more

he also cooks more, is a better cook than me. at least where patience is concerned

i usually am patient. once i lose my patience, though, watch out

i have evil neighbors from hell that make loud noise. they need to watch out. they crossed that line. the next time i call the cops

i rode in a cop-car once in berkeley, getting a ride back from the hospital

that same night i rode in an ambulance with my friend who had fainted for no other reason because she hadn�t eaten much

i like telling that story, because really i am a goody-two-shoes

i would like to have a pair of thigh-high leather boots. not stilleto. but thigh-high black leater

i would also like to try a short haircut once, but that scares me

i�m scared of heights, that�s a recent development. especially escalators freak me out

i�m also scared of any sort of crazy action sport which no normal person would do willingly

that said, i could imagine really learning to kayak and enjoying rapids

but i�d need to get prescription goggles

because i have relatively bad vision. i wear glasses

i wore contacts on my wedding day

in retrospect i only wish i hadn�t invited one person to my wedding

no segueway here, gotta mix it up: i love traveling

i want to win the lottery or become independently wealthy somehow so i can travel more

or another job, if i decide to quit the phd gauntlet, would be to open a kitty kennel for rich people�s cats. a room per cat. something like that

but i actually really enjoy studying

i puy myself under a lot of pressure in terms of studying

i have done that since highschool, where i felt academics where the thing i had going for me

i did not go to prom, though i was asked

i didn�t feel like going with a �non-boyfriend�, whether they had any intentions or not

i should sing more often: it makes me happy

i�d be happy if i could learn to play an instrument really well. my new resolution would involve learning to play the cello

i don�t usually keep resolutions, or make them, new years or otherwise

i don�t know how to drive stick-shift. i never learned

sometimes i have aspirations to be what i�m not: glamour-girl with lots of makeup, etc.

i�ve started wearing more makeup here in germany

i�ve also started really enjoying - no, i take that back, i�ve always had a sweet-tooth. the options here are just so much bigger in terms of sweets

i hate the expression �i do _____�, especially in terms of academics: �i do theories of place and displacement�. no, you don�t. you do your homework. you don�t do place and displacement

i sometimes enjoy snooty discourse, especially snooty academic discourse. one can hide behind words

my vocabulary could be bigger

i know a lot of random, superficial facts about bizarre diverse things. i don�t know where i learned them all.

i went to 5 schools before graduating from high school. i learned something at each of them

i love trains in a bizarre non-freudian way. they amaze me

i want to be amazed by more things

i find people who know what they want to do for the rest of their lives amazing

i don�t know what i want to do for the rest of my life

i do want to settle down in a place, buy a house

preferably near a big city, if not in it

i also want a garden, because i like digging in the mud

i did do archaeology for a few years in my life

sometimes i miss that. but i don�t regret leaving it. i try not to have regrets

i also try to get up at a decent time in the morning.

usually, though, i snooze.

i can stay up late

i like regularity in a schedule,but i also like to say: naptime, saturday afternoon

which, incidentally, i am going to do now.

dandlioneyes at 3:17 pm

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