15 December 2001

gatorade. except, not really. at all.

saturday not quite morning anymore: one load of laundry is washed, in the dryer. we have milk now, and bread, and some really yummy lookin' foccacia. whoever invented the snooze button is evil. evilevil. because i plan to get up at 8:30 and am up by 10. 30. something like that. so now, editing, on paper, and then some serious writing and brainstorming. * * * * * * * * how nuts is it that one country and one atlantic away is someone else who drinks gbl's like water, as i do? she wasn't as obsessed with harry potter (i shouldnta said that!) as i am, but c'est la vie. latergaters

dandlioneyes at 12:51 pm

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