15 December 2001

midnight rambles, last entry for the night?

i've been looking at people's diaries, and some are beautiful. spending money to make this look pretty may actually be worth it.

i've been reading, for example, about a woman who moved to boston 2 months before the wtc fell. she used to work onthe 23rd floor of the wtc, tower 2. things like that are nuts. the format she uses is quite beautiful, though.

i want this semester to be over with, so i can get myself into some sort of healthy state of caring about work, not wanting just to talk to friends, e-mail, read about the news (no update on tora bora, it continues, i believe in conspiracy them not really telling us what is going on....)

i can't wait to go home for break.

i can't wait for the weight that has been on my shoulders - quarter-century crisis as it were - to be lifted. i want to go to a bed and breakfast in monterrey with my love. we are planning a trip, and i don't want to bring any any any schoolwork.

asi es, at the moment. i printed out half of my paper for proofreading and editing. i plug along, slowly.

dandlioneyes at 12:17 am

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