04 January 2002

plumbers, wakes, and short hair

what do you mean, dull? moi? my life? and you KNOW who you are! ;) yes, my day and mood will pick up in t minus 5 hours, woohoo. at least i am not going to a wake. (although i totally get the reasons why. i'm happy for that time that certain someone has!)

got a haircut today. it's a tad short. ah well, c'est lau vie.

the bathroom, MY bathroom, is totally clogged. the tub. gross. we worked on it, the bathroom reeks, and the plumber has to come. sigh.

ok, so my life is a bit dull, but i'm obviously in a good good mood today!

toodles for now! (toodles?!)

dandlioneyes at 10:51 am

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