14 January 2002

and the barometer drops!

slow day, but all packed. can't find my wallet, which is mildly disturbing. i have way too much stuff right now. am shipping (!) back a box, plus my suitcase, my backpack, and chester. ah yes. travel with chester will be *ohsomuchfun*!

the weather in hyde park is dreary, drippy, dreary, dreary and grey. the type of weather when you can tell the barometer is sinking rapidly, low pressure, we are expecting snow. it makes me ache. headache and bodyache.

ok, 'nuff said. miss field, hang in there. good thoughts going your way. it'll sort itself out. the waiting is the hardest part. but he loves you and will call when he can

dandlioneyes at 2:38 pm

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