15 January 2002

home again!

howdy folks. am back in california. after a long flight. after a long flight with a drugged cat who looked stoned. after a long flight with a drugged cat who looked stoned with a vegan/vegetarian meal that was a funky potato salad with peas.

anyways, glad to be back home. it is chillier than i thought. but we went out to dinner at a chinese place we hadn't yet been to, and i wore the leather jacket. felt very spiffy. took a nap. feel tired nevertheless.

my mom's tests don't sound to good. could be any one of three things, one of which could be cancer. so i'm stressed and worried and feel like its all a bit unreal. for that reason i hate to be back here, you know.

that's about it. tired. a bit chilly. watching chester readjust. going to eat an orange. thinking of my friends.

dandlioneyes at 7:51 pm

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