02 February 2002

a man a plan a canal panama

5:15 pm. nice time. on groundhog day. i don't know if he went back into his hole or what. on valerie's birthday day. on priya's birthday day. on shakira's birthday day. i wonder if any groundhogs were born today?

took chester for a walk. he becames obnoxious the second he realizes he is going back inside. maybe he thinks he's a dog.

reading today.

birthday party tonight. not shakira's.

the ring glitters, which is nice.

we hung up a callendar we got for free at halfpricebooks in fremont. ugly, really, but free.

been eating some of the pralines katrin sent us, milka hazelnuss pralines. nice.

otherwise, that's it. i'm still on silly sudafed which makes me thirsty which makes me drink h2o which makes me have to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes.

c'est tout.


this made me laugh for a while this afternoon.

dandlioneyes at 5:15 pm

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