03 February 2002

shiny happy finger take 2.

so i have shiny happy fingers, says you? just one is shiny and happy.


in any case, work beckons big time. in pjs and drinking a smoothie. how california. it is grey outside, slightly chilly, i should work.

woke up this morning dreading the day, which i hate, but had lovely e-mails, lots of dland entries to read, and plenty of work. oh wait. that's the bad thing. work. ;)


ok, so face the dreaded work and it'll be ok. we went to a party last night, which was a lot of fun. lots of turks. i spoke 0 words of turkish. but it was fun. cake. a german "newlywed married" game which was embarassing for the bride and groom. ah well.

that's it for now.


copyright 2002: shiny happy fingers is a "Field-babe" original.

dandlioneyes at 10:37 am

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