01 January 2000

a ramble about tabu

today is NOT january 1, 2000, not is it 12:17 pm. it is february 4, 8:20 pm, home after a long day. emre's computer has the wrong time and date on it.

long day in german class today. 40 minutes over the scheduled time. i have no tolerance for that. it was boring on top of everything, people were pretentious (heidegger this and derrida that, and lets not forget lessing from way back). man. annoying.

in any case, we watched a 1931 movie, "Tabu," especially strange for anthro undergrad major, but actually good plotwise. strange in terms of its ladenness of ethnocentricity, but then again, that's not surprising, right?

ok, enough about school. we await emre's ring. i think bryn mawr gal, you should have irises at your wedding. can i come? i think you will have a great wedding, and it isn't following in anyone's footsteps because it will be your own. and your life will be, too! i promise!

ok, baska, what else? tired. thirsty. sick of sudafed which lasts 2 more days. it isn't clearing up my ear-popping thing. tomorrow, less class, but still, i am tired and wish i didn't have to go in. later, folks!

dandlioneyes at 12:17 pm

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