04 February 2002

what's my motivation?

too much updating am i.

i would much rather work on my webpage (how crazy is that), dance around, CLEAN, than do my cultural studies reading. though the course will be good. nation and representation. gokturk and kaes. it will be good.

i like the fact that people are responding well to my thesis topic. people in academia who actually have a clue about what i mean when i say that i want to work on the discursive representations in travelogues in order to understand the role folklore plays in transmitting and validating stereotypes that occur on a transnational level. then again, sometimes i read sentences like that and have to ask myself: what the hell am i talking about?! ;) i can read old papers and ask myself the same question! jeepers.

no really, though, i just need to start. make a biblio. really start reading. my motivation: to finish.

later ya'll.

dandlioneyes at 10:27 am

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