12 May 2002

whistful historic apartments, sigh

not sure what to write but what an emotional day and what strange behaviour from little miss perfectionist me who 2 days before a paper is due normally would be working her little a#$ off. not now. not me. i procrastinate. i started working at 10 pm. and am ready to go to bed.

we want to live at www.historiclandmarks.com in philly. they are beautiful apartments. imagine me with a washer and drier. that would be the cat's meow. except i have no furniture, but *hey*, i'd have a washer and dryer. they are so beautiful, in beautiful buildings, makes me feel whistful.

emre plans to be in philly about 50% of the time.

i wish for that in every fountain wish that i make, every eyelash, every necklace... knock on wood.

hugs and kisses and later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 11:38 pm

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