13 May 2002

the ground moved beneath my feet

not much to report today other than an

EARTHQUAKE. damnit, that freaked me out. 5.2 on the richter.

we had just gotten home at 9:55 pm, putting up magnetic poetry that i had bought on the fridge, and then chester freaks out, emre freaks out, the windows shake, and i freak out because everyone else is.

it ends.

i ask: what happend, what the hell was that.

an earthquake.

oh yeah, sure.

ok. i'm obviously not a californian at heart because this scared me. more than i thought it would. and i've been through other earthquakes, but this felt more real. about the california thing: not quite true. i do feel like a californian, but natural disasters scare me.

must must must must get some work done now!

take care, folks!

dandlioneyes at 11:27 pm

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