19 May 2002


today's stats:

i feel: sleepy, a little bit scared about "impending terrorist attacks" a la cheney(i really hope nothing happens. i really don't want anything to happen)...

i want: the paper to be done. just today, then basta, i'm finished. i'm antsy.

last night i: had dinner in piedmont with emre, family, and about 15 other people. tasty, but as always, men and women split to different rooms. like mitosis, sort of.

today i feel: sleepy. want to be finished. its raining, and i wish i could lie in bed and hear the rain.

i am thinking: about finishing. without working. which won't work. but hey.

i am drinking: milk tea (earl grey and milk)

i am wearing: pj's and a cardigan

i am listening to: rain

i am reading: a draft of my paper

i am obsessed with: sneezing. i've sneezed 5 times since i started writing this entry. (just again)

sneeze sneeze rain rain work work bye bye

dandlioneyes at 12:00 pm

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