27 May 2002

pjs, weddings, and godiva

yeah, long time no write, but i'm ok. some people have updated the look of their diary, and that's pretty exciting!


in any case, had the aptos wedding (near santa cruz) yesterday, so nice... 40 people came, and it was beautiful beautiful. emre and i got to dance to good music, caught up with some friends from LA that we hadn't seen since their wedding 2 years ago, walked along the beach, ate chocolate cake and godiva chocolate, and emre gave his toast, based on lear's the owl and the pussycat. their cake was a 3 tiered chocolate cake decorated in red chinese characters. oh, it was all so beautiful!

the actual wedding overlooked a bluff.

anyways, i've got to get going. it is 12:21 and i'm still in my pjs.

later gaters.

happy memorial day!

dandlioneyes at 12:21 pm

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