28 May 2002

today's update

i am seriously contemplating a nap.

that would be so bad, though, since it's 10:24. i drove emre to stanford and back, since he forgot his homework, and he is now driving himself back to campus.



i'm tired. didn't sleep well, though enough, but really not well.

bad dreams which included swimming with my tennis shoes on, and being at Harvard at their military base (?!) yeah, i know, its weird.

and i've been stressed beyond anything.

i slept in yesterday am and was happy. and then the afternoon just sucked, couldn't really work, couldn't really have fun, and didn't really go out except to water the flowers on the balcony.

which don't look so good.

so i ramble on on and away, am nervous about work that i need to start... NEED to start, big time.


so maybe i'll nap, maybe i wont, but i'll write more later.

dandlioneyes at 10:24 am

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