28 May 2002

All About Me

All About Me!

Number of candles that appeared on your last b-day cake: 25

Date that you usually blow them out on: July 30

Eye colour: Blue with a slight yellow ring

Hair colour: Light Brown, sometimes with red (which I add myself!)

Piercings: Used to have 3 in each ear, but that was during the "Berkeley Years." Now I just maintain 2, 1 in each ear.

Tattoos: Naw. I don't want to have one when I am 65 and wrinkly.

How much do you love your job: Grad School? Love? Ambivalent is more like it, Love Hate, Passive Aggressive.

Favourite colour: Hmm. I dunno. Blue tones?

Hometown: Don't have one. Moved around every 5 years.

Current Home: Phila, Pa.

Favourite food: I like it all. Sushi. Thai food. Turkish rice pudding. Definitely a "salt" person, though.

Been to Africa: I have not. Have you?

Ever Been In Love: Yes.

Loved somebody so much it made you cry: Oh yes. But cry in a good way. Happy tears.

Been in a car accident: Right after the SATs. It was stupid. It was raining, it ws my fault, but they didn't have insurance. So nothing happened.

Sprite or 7up: 7up.

Favourite movie: Don't think I have one.

Favourite day of the week: Saturday. Because there is one more day as a buffer day before the week starts.

Favourite toothpaste: I like Aquafresh whitening. But you know, any paste with baking soda rocks my world. In case you care, my fave deoderant is a German one, Nivea, and I ask my friends to send it to me all the time.

Favourite restaurant: Don't have one. Here in Philly, though, I like White Dog, Erawan Thai, and a couple of others ...

Favourite flowers: Irises.

Favourite drink: Alcoholic? Depends on the mood: I love Merlots. I also am fond of Bloody Marys.

Preferred type of ice cream: As a kid, always mint chocolate chip. Now I actually like those Blueberry Cheesecake type flavors. And ice cream with Pecans.

Favourite Sesame Street Character: German Sesame Street I like Samson. Who is a big bear with security blanket. Gotta love him. Of course. US version, probably Kermit.

Disney or Warner Bros.: Both monopolies bent upon ruling the world. So it doesn't matter.

Favourite fast food restaurant: blech.

When was your last hospital visit: I dunno.

What do you think about school: See above. Ambivalent love hate.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime: That would be a NO.

Which store would you choose to max out your credit card on: consumer society is ruling this set of questions, boy. 2 years ago it would have been Express. Now I'm thinking Nordstrom's.

What do you most often do when you are bored: Read, nap, e-mail. Dland. sigh.

Name the person that you have been friends with the longest: Kathrin, since Kindergarten, so 21 years.

Most annoying thing that people ask you or say to you: So, have you planned your wedding yet? Or, actually, what is the color theme in your wedding? OR: Oh, you're a folklorist? What the hell is that?

Bedtime: I'd be thrilled with 10PM. It ranges from midnight to 2 AM. and I wake up from 7-10AM. The benefits of being a student.

Last person you went out to dinner with: Emre.

Last movie you saw: uhm. I have no idea. which is not unusual.

Your number one crush: Man I'm marrying, Emre!

dandlioneyes at 10:59 am

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