09 October 2002

a massive list of annoyances

not a happy camper at all.

can't figure out what will happen with rochester and my stupid meetings.

can't everyone STOP telling me what to do?

i'm tired, fatigued, bored: i doubt i'll be able to get a job when i'm done with this, so why bother, right?

last year, at least i could keep the illusion alive that i was hanging in there, that i was ok. this year, after my encounter with dan, well, you know, f#$%^& this s$%^&*.

in a bad, bad mood.

tried to get wedding invitations, but the woman in the store was so rude, called me yolanda and what not (NOT MY NAME AT ALL, NOTHING CLOSE TO IT), and said we needed an appointment. in a way that was so damn rude.

sick of rude philly people. seriously.

i miss california.

dandlioneyes at 8:13 pm

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