17 November 2002

dropkick dogs

phbbtttt, i say, once more.

now, i like dogs, ok, but big ones, like german shepards or labs or huskies. something larger than a football. not dropkick dachshunds, or, worse, chihuahuas or so. (dropkick=what i want to do with them).

my neighbor has 2 yappy dachshunds, count em, 2.

and i have one cat, chester webster buster b. cat, chester for short.

the dogs yap, chester raises his nose in contempt.

now the neighbor walks his dogs, and they race to my door, sniffle and scratch, causing chester the cat unendless unnerve and unhappiness. he sits there, amused, but stressed out, meowing, causing said dachshunds to go nuts. ugh. this is crazy.

anyways, that's my rant, and i'm sticking with it.

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 9:29 pm

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