26 May 2003

blah sick of this blah blah

hi folks

i'm not in the wedding spirit. i'm tired. i'm frustrated. the whole JUGGLING OF FAMILIES CRAP is really getting to me. and the stupid thing is, it is all meant to make the wedding nicer, to make the pre-wedding dinner nicer. i don't want to go into details, but both sides of the family have VERY different perceptions of what should be done, and me and my sweetie are in the middle.

and everyone is working so damn hard, whether for us, for themselves, or to please people, it is just making me sick.

and what the hell do we do about it? not much to do about it, but i just have this perpetual stomach ache. i actually have uttered the words that i don't want to go through with this, that i just want to get married at a courthouse and then go to a bar and get a few beers. honestly. which i never thought would be the case, but yes, that sounds lovely. so i've cried a lot, fought with my folks and with my sweetie, and need to lose 5 lbs to fit happily in the dress. damnitall, i hate my metabolism.

ok, before i get reall dragged down into the dumps, i'm going to lie in bed and cry a bit. night, folks.

on a happy note, there is a baby bunny in our yard. and baby crows. they cry not caw-caw-caw but more like maw-maw-maw, all the time, crying for food. very ... NOISY, but very sweet.

night, folks

dandlioneyes at 10:58 pm

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