15 August 2003

voyeurism, banner ad, reality tv, and my move

i've been married for 2 months as of yesterday. and the first 6 weeks were bliss. and then we had two hard weeks, and the hardness/difficulty WILL continue. nothing to do with our marriage, but extenuating/external circumstances. i guess it is a bizarre form of strengthening our marriage as well, actually. trials and tribulations of. me. etc. yeah.


9 days and counting before the move to germany takes place.

meaning less updates when i'm over there until i get settled in, but then the obsessive frenzied updating will continue. you mark my words.


portland this weekend. next weekend, illinois. the weekend after that, i'll be in bonn. oh my god, i can hardly believe it.


i want to read some serious stuff on buddhism. and on zen. i think i need a little bit of - not enlightenment, no, not even religion. organized thought. a philosophical system. yeah. that. in my life.


i posted a banner. let us see what, if anything, it does. and the voyeurism starts ... NOW! welcome, bizarre and fascinating strangers. leave me a note if you stop by.


this is like reality TV. we want to know and pry into other people's lives. why is that?

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 10:26 am

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