09 October 2003

goettingen, part 3021

the churchbells ring every 15 minutes. it just chimed 4 times, to make the world know that it is exactly on the hour. then it chimed 3 times, for being 3 o'clock. practical, that way. and quarter past it will chime once. thirty past twice, quarter of three times. you get the gist.


saw my advisor today. and that was good. i have a bit of a gameplan. which is also good. still nervous, though still high anxiety, but i will plow through things.


we got zanderfilet (fish) at the market today. very good, very lovely, very tasty, i think. it usually is. fish from denmark!

maybe i can cook fish once a week. that would be something.


private stuff that i am sure you all are dying to here, but concerns female stuff, so stop reading if you don't want to read it, i want to write about it anyway. my diary, so nya. stopped taking the pill, already for one cycle, and i'm feeling ugh. headachy, pms-y, but worse that usual. stupid adjustment. doesn't help my mood!


doing well here, though. more later. maybe pictures. since i have that gold-membership thing. oh yeah. that!

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 3:04 pm

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