11 October 2003

raffle, market, loneliness and KNEE SOCKS

saturday morning slow morning we thought we might go to the market and get stuff (and enter ourself in a raffle) but i don't think that will happen. not that the market is in any way shape or form far away, no. nothing is far away, really, but we are lazy as lazy can be.

must try and read. and think. and work. and get back into the swing of things. *fingers crossed*

my sweetie leaves wednesday, and then i have to try and face this all alone for another month. which freaks me out just a little bit. but it will be ok.

cold grey rainy day. i have kniestrumpfe on - knee socks, up to my knees, i love it. WARM WARM WARM!

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 11:35 am

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