29 October 2003

pink elephants

[several previous entries today]

so i moved my bedding into the living room again to have a quiet night's rest, because the hippopottami upstairs were having a party.

i just get settled in bed, when they all herd downstairs - there were *8* of them!!!! - and now it is quiet. sort of.

downstairs is a bit loud, too.

it all pisses me off quite a bit. i'd consider moving. i'm too scared to actually go upstairs in my pjs and say what the fuck is up with you dingbats, and downstairs as well: they are all frickin' teenie boppers.


i took a shower tonight. that's a new one. i shower in the morning, usually. but i was cold. so that was nice.


that, and rote gruetze with yoghurt.

later gaters!

dandlioneyes at 10:42 pm

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