30 October 2003

drink up, me hearties, yo ho!

i'm excited about berlin. i want to hop on a train now. don't know why i am not hopping on a train now.

oh yeah. i have a colloquium tonight, the institute colloquium where i meet people.

meaning: i need to get dressed up a bit.

still in my berkeley sweatshirt and my old grey pants that were my jogging pants in philly. and they used to be, 7 years ago, my sexy-grey-i'm-living-in-berkeley-pants. now they ar my lounging-around-the-house-like-there's-no-tomorrow pants.

how times changes.


halloween is tomorrow.

and, in honor of my new favorite movie/obsession, i'm a pirate.

actually, its because my mom sent me a pirate costume. or at least the patch, the earrings, the red belt thing. and some makeup. and flowers to put in my hair. i think i may be a caribbean pirate. hmmm.


so slow things move along like a snail. and what kind of grammar, pray, was that?

eh. who cares. grammar shmammar.

otherwise, not too much. i got a package from the us, from my dad: candy, a cd, a wallhanging, and some earl grey tea.

i like earl grey tea. indeed. and indeed is my new favorite word.


say it. it sounds wonderful.

come on, just try it.


great, isn't it?

in - no, i won't say it again. but just so you know. i want to.

dandlioneyes at 2:11 pm

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