04 November 2003

sharks, bureaucracy, oh, and yes, sickness

i threw up this morning. it wasn't a fun thing.

so i do have something.

i have a headache from hell.

my body aches (not from exercizing, oh no. i mean, that would be FUNNY!).

so i am going to hop into bed and perhaps sleep.


i also went to the ausl�nderamt today, at the rathaus (city hall). you see, i still don't have a visa. because, you see. i never was de-registered in berlin when i lived there from 1987-1989. and so, you see, there is still a file in berlin with my name written all over it. a file that is old. we are talking 16 years old. 14 years ago i lived in berlin. that was a long time ago. in any case. and that file has to get to goettingen. because, you see, my file must be complete. and it isn't. and so i went there today. and. the. file. hadn't. arrived. yet. how does it take 4 weeks to ship a file from berlin to goettingen? it takes 2 hours by train. 3 hours by car. i can't believe it. and the rathaus is way out of my way. other side of town.


my sweetie and i calculated that stanford's campus is about, oh, i dunno, LARGER than the size of goettingen's downtown?!

i can't believe it.

time for me to go to bed.

i want to feel better.

i want someone to do my dishes.

i want to be independently wealthy and therefore able to travel where i want to travel to.

incidentally: remember my shark fear before i went to kauai?

if you don't, well, here you go.

well, as it turns out. there was a shark attack. at the beach where i saw the sea turtle and snorkled my little heart out. the girl lost her arm. HER ARM!!!!!!

i'm an unhappy camper. if you want to read about the shark, voila!

later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 12:30 pm

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