26 November 2003


cold november weather, thanksgiving is tomorrow, i am working for the first time in a few days (since turkey)... not sure what we are doing for thanksgiving tomorrow. i have to go meet my advisor and go to a colloquium in the evening.

ah, if there was only a gingerbread latte to be had!

that said, the christmas market (weihnachtsmarkt) opens today, with gl�hwein and other goodies to be had, and that somehow is joyous.

i have high anxiety, not sure why. with work, i know that that is part of it.


been eating like crazy since we got back from turkey. also ate like crazy in turkey: chocolate covered sugared chestnuts, turkish delight, etc. etc. etc. ah, the good stuff that is turkish sweets!


went to the indian place last night for dinner. there, too, i ate like a little pig. good stuff. oh my god do they have good stuff.


alright, people, be good. to my buddy in chicago, good good wishes and fingers crossed with the job interviews and the responses....

dandlioneyes at 2:57 pm

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