16 December 2003


it doesn't get light until 8:23 or so. we are talking absolute pitch darkness darker than dark suck the life out of you dark.

so tired old me goes to bed at 11:00 last night. and wants to get up at 6:30. because, you know, that's a decent amount of sleep. because, you know, i want to get going in my day?

that plan is killed by the darkness.

i am like lead. stuck. eyelids glued shut. body unable to m ove except to hit the alarmclock to make that sound go away. i snooze for 90 minutes. 90 minutes! what is wrong with me?

and now it is almost 9. and i have yet to shower. my mornings are so #$%^&* slow. what'll i do when i have a real life? a real job? no more grad school? sigh.

dandlioneyes at 8:53 am

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