05 January 2004


how is it that it is 2015 in the evening now, 815 pm... and i got home at 5, and i still haven't done ANYTHING? several phonecalls, a kick-ass salad (kn�del and mushrooms sauteed over leafy greens), oh, yes, hello, good dinner! a little lemon and parmeson on top, yumm!

anyways, no work though, nada. zip, zero. i went to the archives. they recognized me. i got through one of the files this time, B17 got sent back today. i got wrist braces since my wrists hurt. and other than that, i just feel unproductive, tired, etc.etc.etc.etc.

such an exciting entry.

man. i even bore myself sometimes!

dandlioneyes at 8:15 pm

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