08 January 2004

give me a J. give me an ETLAG. what does that spell?

yeah yeah yeah i haven't updated in a while.

nothing much to say. jetlag reared its ugly little head again. i fell asleep on the floor - the FLOOR! - at 8 pm last night, woke up twenty minutes later, freezing and groggy. i stayed up until 11. slept until 12. was up until 2, 2:30. woke up at 6. slept until 8. not fun. in the morning, i'm dead-tired. in the evening, i'm wired. that's the wrong order, folks, the wrong order.

i've never had jetlag like this. i usually have "dead" phases, where, well, i fall into a walking coma. sort of like narcolepsy. no narcolepsy here, folks, no narcolepsy here. instead, the terrible feeling of BING! AWAKE! and i can't DO anything about it. i have coffee in the morning, 8 am, when it is still dark outside... and that's it. no other caffeine. i wish i could take a sleeping draught at 10 pm so i could sleep. but no. no sleeping draughts for me.

so that's my vent for the morning. am sore as hell from 3 days of pilates (skipped yesterday). feel totally unflexible, muscles all stiffened up. sigh.

dandlioneyes at 9:26 am

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