13 January 2004


the evening of:

arriving last night in the pouring rain

eating instant noodles

having a few phone calls

reading a plethora of emails.

the night of:

reading before falling asleep, a new children's book

waking up at 2 for some reason and reading again, falling asleep with the light on

waking up at 630 because my sweetie calls me from lake tahoe - which made me happy, the phonecall did.

the morning of:

sleeping in, not getting up until nine

answering some of those emails

hopping back into bed and reading more

thinking about all the things that need to be done

the weekend of:

party in southern germany

talking with my friend from kindergarten ("she's a captain! and she can tell you ALL about the clouds! and she came ALL the way from germany")

trying to work and not wanting to

of going to a new archive and finding the experience amusing, meeting a scholar whose works i have read and not knowing it was him until afterwards

the time to get dressed and face the day is now here. later gaters.

dandlioneyes at 11:33 am

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