25 January 2004


i had so hoped for snow.

we had a few flakes last night.

i wanted to be snowed in - ooops, too much snow, i can't make it to the archives.

more was predicted. it keeps on getting pushed off days and days and days.


a quiet sunday morning anticipating an omlette.


i downloaded a lovely "to-do" list organizational tool. because. i. am. not at all. organized. in the least bit.


maybe it will help?


strangely enough, despite coffee, a gorgeous cherry juice, an omlette, freshly toasted french bread, i'm feeling ho-hum.drum. no snow sunday blues and all that.


what if i had been born a princess? thinking of the norwegian one just born.

the crown prince used to live at the i-house where i lived. where i met my sweets.


okay, breakfast time!

dandlioneyes at 10:48 am

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