26 January 2004


yup. everywhere else in the world has snow. i want snow. again. like we had a year ago in philly. 17 inches. i want to be snowed in (after i get groceries, if you please). not really. but it sounds cozy right now. we have funk-o-rama winter weather, not too cold, but not really fall or spring like either, hovering around 0 degrees. not fun. (0 celsius, you fahrenheiters out there....)


not much else. london is next week. i'm a happy camper. wednesday i have to interview a woman in frankfurt, and i'm anxious about it. i can't understand her writing right now. and i don't know what to ask. but i requested this interview. life is so crazy like that sometimes....


i should post a private entry. but i don't have the energy to write about the super emotional stuff right now... of which there is some, but it ain't too heavy.


update, folks, UPDATE! i miss hearing from you all!!

i guess that's it right now. later gaters from a bored dandlioneyes who probably has bored all you folks to death.


did i mention i want snow? or to be on a tropical island? they don't match. i don't care. either or. would be just FINE!

dandlioneyes at 8:35 pm

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