03 February 2004

dreams and katherine hepburn

scary dream last night - and this is by no means unusual these days. i have insomnia from hell. 1 week of not being able to fall asleep until 2, 3 am... NOT FUN AT ALL. at ALL.

in any case...

dream last night involved crossing a river (swimming), getting into a boat to read (litte dinky dinghy), watching the waters rise, being warned that it would take me 7 hours to cross the river if i swam back now and to wait, the boat turning into a bungalow made out of glass, my being in it, watching it being covered in water, closing the windows, being completely submerged under water, and still trying to clean up. it made me amazingly anxious. it doesn't sound like much, but it was the feeling of being out of control....

that said: this makes me happy.

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dandlioneyes at 10:37 am

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