03 February 2004


on the menu for tonight:

a) i made s�tla� (turkish rice pudding)

b) my sweetie is making mattar gobi, which isn't the name of the dish, but peas are mattar and gobi is cauliflower, and it has turmeric and cumin etc. etc. in it. an indian dish.

c) we have a friend coming over from slowakia who is making goulash.

oh yeah, dinner will be EXCELLENT.

tomorrow at 6 we take a train to frankfurt to catch a plane to london. will not be able to write thursday-sunday morning. but i will write back! and a fwe lucky ones of you get to see PICTURES afterwards! oh, aren't we all just psyched now?

hugs, later gaters, ME.

dandlioneyes at 5:37 pm

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